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Monday, May 17, 2021

Good thoughts


1) Important key to success in business life is to decide partnership deal into percentage 5%, 10% and make partnership with Allah.  Donate some part of your income.  कंजूसी बहुत बुरी बला है

2) A man cannot earn more money than his personal development. व्यक्ति हमारे अपने व्यक्तिगत विकास से अधिक पैसा नहीं कमा सकता है. आदमी अपनी औकात से ज्यादा पैसा कमा नहीं सकता, जितनी उसकी औकात उतना ही उसका पैसा. Two Doctors educated in the same college obtained medical degree, but during practicing medical profession, one is charging OPD of Rs.50/- and another Charging OPD of Rs.500/- A music director charging Rs.25 lac for a film with the musical instruments and assistances, while another A R Rehman, is charging Rs.10/- Crores for a film. कमाई बढ़ने के पीछे मत भागों, अपनी वैल्यू value बढ़ाओ, कमाई खुद बो खुद आपको फॉलो करेगी.

अपना नजरिया सकारात्मक रखो (Be Positive Attitude) –

अपनी खुद की वैल्यू Value बढाने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको अपनी सोच व नजरिया सकारात्मक रखने की जरूरत है, क्योकि जब तक हमारी सोच सही नहीं होगी तब हम सही दिशा में नहीं चल पाएंगे और फिर हमारी Thinking ही सही नहीं रहेगी तो हमारी वैल्यू कैसे बढ़ेगी, इसलिए सबसे पहले आप अपना Mind Set positive रखने की कोशिश करे|

बुरी संगती से दूर रहो (Avoid Bad Company) –

लाइफ में उस व्यक्ति की कभी कोई वैल्यू नहीं करता जिसकी संगती ख़राब bad होती है क्योकि आप जैसे माहौल में रहोगे, आप लोगो की नजर में उसी level के बन जाते हो और बहुत बार आप गलत संगती में रहने के कारण खुद भी गलत आदतों addiction का शिकार हो जाते हो तो इसलिए अपने दोस्त या करीबी लोग ऐसे चुनो जो आपके जैसे हो और जिन्हें आप पसंद करते हो|

पैसे को SAVE करना शुरू कर दो (Save Your Money) –

दोस्तों, जिंदगी में हमेशा एक बात याद रखना की पैसा है तो सब कुछ है और आपने भी इसे अपनी लाइफ में महसूस किया होगा की पैसे के बिना कई बार हमारे काम अटक जाते है.

तब हमें इसकी  महत्व, समझ आती है तो लाइफ में अगर अपनी वैल्यू बढ़ाना चाहते हो तो पैसो को WASTE करना आज से ही बंद कर दो | जब आपके पास Money Increase होगा तो आप खुद ही पाओगे की लोगो की नजर में आपकी वैल्यू भी बढ़ रही है |

समय बर्बाद करना बंद करना होगा (Don’t Waste Time) –

यूं तो हम सभी लोग जानते है कि हमें समय की क़द्र करनी चाहिए और अपने कीमती समय को बर्बाद नहीं करना चाहिए. इससे एक तो हम अपने लाइफ में अपने Goals के प्रति Focus कर पाएंगे और दूसरा साथ में अपनी वैल्यू भी बढ़ा रहे होंगे |

लडकियों के प्रति अपनी अटैचमेंट बंद करना पड़ेगा (Avoid Girls) –

दोस्तों, लाइफ में अपनी वैल्यू बढानी है तो लडकियों के पीछे Time Pass करना बंद पड़ेगा और उन्हें भाव देना बंद करना होगा उससे आपका Mind एक जगह पर स्थिर रहेगा इससे आपकी Value बढ़ेगी और आप एक आम इंसान से खास इंसान में अपना नाम दर्ज कर लोगे |

You are the Product of your Habits | Success Tips

The difference between bad and good people, is the product of you habits in our life.   Your habits will lead you to failure or success.  If you are associated with good people, you will have good habits and vice versa.  Because you become like the people you associate with.  

Your daily habits are what will either help you to achieve your goals of success or lead you stray to failure.  Option is yours what you want to. Whether you want to be victor or victim of bad habits.  Chains of habit are too light to be felt, but if they good habits, definitely, it will fetch you a good result.  Take control of your habits means Take control of your life.  Some good habits are very painful, for example - Waking up early in the morning, Jogging, Exercised, higher studies, but result of such habits make you happy, when times come.  Almost all 99% of our everyday behavior is based on habit. Nearly all of what we do each day, every day, is simply habit.  Some habits are hereiditry, received from forefather and some from our own teachers, and parents.  

Self-punishment is the best solution for transforming bad into good habits:

Self-punishment comes in many forms.  All Self-punishment are painful and meant for changing behaviour, motivation, to relieve guilt, Cling to self-blame and self-forgiveness and so on.

 bill gates quotes

  1. Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself.
  2. If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake.
  3. We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we insist on their suffering.
  4. It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
  5. We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.
  6. Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable.
  7. Discrimination has a lot of layers that make it tough for minorities to get a leg up.
  8. As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.
  9. We’ve got to put a lot of money into changing behavior.
  10. The most amazing philanthropists are people who are actually making a significant sacrifice.
  11. The general idea of the rich helping the poor, I think, is important.
  12. I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.
  13. Legacy is a stupid thing! I don’t want a legacy.
  14. Personally, I’d like to see more of our leaders take a technocratic approach to solving our biggest problems.
  15. We have to find a way to make the aspects of capitalism that serve wealthier people serve poorer people as well.
  16. Expectations are a form of first-class truth: If people believe it, it’s true.
  17. The belief that the world is getting worse, that we can’t solve extreme poverty and disease, isn’t just mistaken. It is harmful.
  18. Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point.
  19. I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.
  20. If you think your teacher is tough, wait ’til you get a boss. He doesn’t have tenure.
  21. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.
  22. Life is not fair, get used to it.
  23. I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.  While setting a goal it is necessary to see that it is placed at right direction and at the right place.  Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.  Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive. There some people who will say for rain as more rainy days, or for winter as very cold.   All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

Train your mind to see the good in every situation.  If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win.  Only in the darkness can you see the stars. Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.  

You do not find the happy life. You make it.

Happiness is something that you will get in the smallest of things. And to find out happiness, you have to give some effort. To be precise, satisfaction is the most valuable thing in human life. If you are not happy, there is point to think of  and make your life happy.

We will find Happy life in every moments and activities like -

Smile. You tend to smile when you're happy. 

Exercise. Exercise isn't just for your body. 

Get plenty of sleep. 

Eat with mood in mind. 

Be grateful. 

Appreciate others

utter the unhappy moments.

If you start waiting for happy life at every instance, then you will wait forever.  If you find difficult in finding out happy life at the instance, then you have to do away difficulties and count +ve points out of it.

क़िस्मत  उन्ही का साथ देता है जो , कठिन से कठिन स्थितियों में भी अपने लक्ष्य के प्रति अडिग रहते है।

Luck favors those who remain firm towards their goal even in the most difficult situations.

दुनिया में अगर छोड़ने जैसा कुछ है तो दूसरों से उम्मीद करना, छोड़ दो ।।

If there is something you want to give up

हर कोशिश में शायद सफलता नहीं मिल पाती लेकिन, हर सफलता का  कारण कोशिश ही होती है।

You may not get success in every attempt but, there is attempts  are behind every success. 

अच्छा वक़्त सिर्फ उसीका होता है, जो कभी किसी का बुरा नहीं सोचते सुख दुख तो अतिथि है, बारी बारी से आयेंगे चले जायेंगे यदि वो नहीं आयेंगे तो हम अनुभव कहां से लायेंगे।

Good times are only for him,  Who never thinks bad of anyone!  Happiness is a guest  will come and go in turn if they don't come

Where do we get the experience?

इस दुनिया में सबसे वजनदार चीज़ "मतलब" है, ये निकलते ही बड़े  से बड़ा रिश्ता भी हल्का पड़ जाता है।

heaviest thing in the world is "purpose", as soon as it comes out big Even bigger relationships become lighter.

चीजों की कीमत मिलने से पहले होती है और इंसान की कीमत खोने के बाद.

Things have their value before they are gained and human beings get their value after they are lost.

लोग आपकी क़दर तब करेंगे, जब आप उन्हें उनकी ही  तरह नजरअंदाज करना सीख जाओगे

People will appreciate you when you learn to ignore them just like them.

जब वक्त करवट लेता है,  तब बाजी ही नही, पूरी जिंदगी ही पलट जाती है 

When time takes a turn, then not only the bet, but the whole life turns upside down.

जिसमे नुकसान सहने की ताकत हो  वही मुनाफा कमा सकता है.  फिर चाहे वो कारोबार हो या रिश्ते

Those having the strength to bear loss, can only make profit, irrespective of it's business or relationships

जीवन में 'तकलीफ' उसी को आती है,  जो हमेशा 'जिम्मेदारी' उठाने को तैयार रहते हैं, और जिम्मेदारी लेने वाले कभी हारते नहीं,  या तो 'जीतते' है या फिर 'सिखते' है 

The 'trouble' in life comes to him, who always ready to take over the 'responsibility' and those who takes responsibility does never failed, Either they 'win' or 'learn'.

पहचान बड़े लोगों से नहीं; साथ देने वालों से होनी चाहिए।

Relationship should not be with big people; it Must be with those who support.

दुनिया को झूठे लोग ही पसंद आते हैं। सच कहने पर तो अपने भी रूठ जाते है

The world only likes liars. When you tell the truth, your own people will get upset.

बेशक सच, बोलकर किसी का दिल तोड़ देंना, पर झूठ बोलकर किसी का विश्वास कभी मत तोड़ना 

Of course, you can break someone's heart by speaking the truth, but you should not break someone's trust by telling Lia.

जो होता है अच्छे के लिए होता है  भले ही अभी बुरा लग रहा है  लेकिन आगे चलकर पता चल जाएगा  कि वहअच्छे के लिए हुआ था

whatever happens happens for good even though it still feels bad  but you will know later that it happened for good

खुद पर भरोसा करने का हुनर सीख लो सहारे कितने भी सच्चे हों एक दिन साथ छोड़ ही जाते हैं

learn to trust yourself,   no matter how true people will be, it will  leave you one day.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Success Factors for Personal Growth to Achieve Your Best Life-2

4.       Money:
Success Is not measured only by Money And 'Stuff' Believe it or not, much of the potential for success in your small business depends various other factors. But when it comes to defining success, the business magnate says wealth has nothing to do with it. "Too many people measure how successful they are by how much money they make or the people that they associate with," Branson wrote on.  You can business is your baby, and cash is the food your baby needs to survive and eventually grow and mature. If you can't provide your baby with what it needs, then why are you creating it in the first place? Set your business up for success before it exists.  Certainly, to set up a new business, you need a money for initial investment.  Many people wonder whether it is possible to start a business with no money. In most cases, a person does have to spend at least some cash to get a business started, even if the only money he spends is on a business license. Many entrepreneurs also find that success comes easier when they have money to invest in their businesses. Without it, securing the supplies and equipment they need and tackling unexpected expenses can be difficult.  Money plays a significant role in starting a business. In most cases, entrepreneurs find it necessary to make at least a small monetary investment in starting their businesses. Although there are ways to start a business with little money, a business person is usually required to at least obtain a business license, for which a fee is charged. Even if a person finds a way to start a business without spending any money, it is likely that he will eventually have to invest in it to help it grow and thrive.  In many cases, a new business owner will have to make a significant investment to get his business started. However, this monetary investment may not be a one-shot deal. Often, business owners also need additional money on hand to help them maintain their new businesses while they work toward attracting customers and earning a profit. In some cases, it takes months or years to get enough paying customers to allow a business to run on just the income it generates instead of needing additional investments from its owner.
Many people who are just starting out in business are under the wrong assumption that they will only need money to buy startup supplies and advertise their businesses. However, many other expenses go along with starting a business. For example, a person may have to pay for business licenses and special permits to operate his business.  Credit can be just as important as money when it comes to starting a business. If a person has good credit, he may qualify for a loan to cover his business startup expenses. If his credit is poor, covering a larger than expected order or handling higher than projected startup costs may prove more difficult. 

A businessman needs money to do to start  new business:
a)    Get over the company-name thing.
b)    Get your Employer Identification number or EPF number.
c)    Register your trade name.
d)    Get a Labor licence.
e)    Get your business license. ...
a)    Ask your locality about other permits. ...
b)    Get a business bank account.
c)    Get land or building hired or purchased.
d)    Get Machinery or equipment for business.
e)    Get electric equipment or power supply installation.

5.       Good Work Habits:

Every entrepreneur or businessman needs to keep a good working habits for the business success.  Intrinsic values of human being are very much important, to be successful in personal and business life. Good working habits includes :

1)    Punctual.
2)    Initiative.
3)    Neat, tidy and clean
4)    Hard working and persistency.
5)    Systematic planning
6)    Efficient management.
7)    Problem solving tactics
8)    Follow-up for every project plan.
9)    Maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit/mood.
10) Self-Control, attire, and manners
11) Build a Contacts network.
12) Limit mindless distraction.
13) Prioritize the work
14) Appreciate and reward for good work by employees.
15) Good leadership
16) learn from mistakes, failures or losses.
17) Engage an Accountability
18) Adopt work automation through new techniques and software.
19) Love to learn, learn to teach and trainings.

To succeed at a workplace, it is ideal to develop good work habits that could increase your productivity and job satisfaction.

Risk Taker.
Adapt to change. 
Pick the job you love. 
Set goals based on vision. 
Be positive to learning new things. 
Be the best mentor & coach. 
Be a good in education.
Be a good in having know-how.
Be a good in connectivity and contacts.
Be a bold in accepting accountability

To succeed in the workplace, it's a good idea to develop work habits that reflect a desire to help the organization. Managers and coworkers enjoy working with people who report to work every day, interact in positive ways, take pride in their work and complete their assignments on time.

Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and helps you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy employee. Being punctual helps establish your reputation as a dependable and consistent worker. If you don't get your part of a project completed on time, you keep others from being able to finish their tasks.

Discipline ensures individuals maintain silence at workplace and work as a single unit with their team members to achieve organization goals and objectives.  Discipline is important as it binds the employees and also motivates them to respect their organization.

As important as routine is, the most effective entrepreneurs understand it is imperative they be flexible enough to pivot on demand in response to unforeseen or changing circumstances. Being flexible enough to change direction greatly increases their chances at success and it also enhances their own learning, growth, and education. The routines they live by are simple by design because this simplicity is easy to maintain no matter their circumstances. Successful entrepreneurs make it a habit to only need the bare essentials. This increases productivity because their set-up to work and communicate doesn't require anything special for them to be effective whether they're at the beach or in the office.
Simplicity is the secret weapon effective entrepreneurs swear by. They're known to create and live nearly obsessively by simple yet practical routines. Creating simple routines helps them avoid taking on workloads which are beyond what they can reasonably tackle. Successful entrepreneurs are the most productive in achieving their desired results when they aren't overwhelmed with stress. For this reason, they set limits around themselves. They worry less about pleasing others and more about producing high quality work.
The most successful entrepreneurs have mastered effectiveness because it makes them work smarter, eliminating unnecessary effort and wasted time. Success cannot happen with any consistency when approached in a lazy, haphazard, hit-or-miss fashion. The most effective entrepreneurs do not entertain ease or disorganization as a part of their decision-making process. They make sure to be detailed, organized and fully prepared before executing on any goal or plan.
Successful entrepreneurs never undervalue the importance of sleep. They desire to be sharp, emotionally available, and on-the-ball in all areas of their career. There is a proven and well documented body of evidence on the bi-directional relationship between sleep and stress: a lack of sleep creates an increase in emotional reactivity and decreases in frustration tolerance, which contribute to another night of poor sleep. It's a horrible cycle. Successful entrepreneurs do not want to waste time being up at night stressing about how poorly or ineffectively they handled situations or people during the day. If poor sleeping patterns are left unmanaged, effectiveness becomes impossible. Successful entrepreneurs trust that work isn't going anywhere. They carve out the necessary time for sleep and are all the better for it.
The most influential entrepreneurs spend a significant amount of time in their heads thinking and visioning. They are naturally innovative and crave being in the constant process of discovery. They credit their imagination as their most powerful asset. They have always dared to dream, and to turn those dreams into a reality.
Effective entrepreneurs rise early believing in the concept of, the early bird gets the worm. They start each day with some form of physical activity. It's the method they use to wake themselves up, get their blood pumping and their mind sharp. They prefer to getting into the office before others to work without interruption on the goals they set for themselves the night before. Getting in early puts them ahead of the game and one step ahead of their stress. When the environment is quiet and free of distractions they accomplish their work more efficiently and with higher quality.
Successful entrepreneurs increase their efficiency by putting work first and socializing second. Socializing is important and life-giving for them. They see the value in getting out to be around people, not just for the human interaction and feelings of interconnectedness, but because being around others reduces stress and increases innovation. They choose to schedule this time at the end of the day when their work-pressures are off. This allows them to be fully present to those they are connecting and developing relationships with.

6.       Positive Mental Attitude.

A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it would bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful.
There are many advantages of a positive attitude at work, and some of the advantages and benefits are: Creates a positive environment. Helps to Achieve Goals and Career success. Stress reduction and management.
Positive mindset helps you to seek happiness, health and a happy ending regardless of the situation. Lots of successful people have recognized the positivity as the key to success. Power of positivity may change your personal and professional life. Thus, in the tough situations, people ask you to think positive.
Being an entrepreneur doesn't just mean you've started a company, it means you've set out to begin a conquest of success, failure, and overcoming your fears. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that you must think differently to become a successful entrepreneur.
Positive mindset helps you to keep good relationships with your associated members, co-workers of the business.

Positive thinkers have more energy.  Whether you see things positively or negatively, this personality trait is called "dispositional affect". Scientists have long concluded that those of a positive dispositional affect have more energy and enthusiasm than those who have more negative affectivity. That said, low levels of negative affectivity isn't a bad thing, as these people can be more calm and relaxed.

Entrepreneurs are usually highly energetic individuals with tons of self-motivation. However, entrepreneurship is a battle that not many can endure. Maintaining that entrepreneurial spirit is something every CEO struggles with throughout the lifetime of their business.
These two mindsets spell out the difference between positive thoughts and negative thoughts. Negative thoughts tend to limit thinking, undervalue achievements and generate a variety of negative feelings. Negative feelings, in turn, can lead to lack of confidence and underperformance. People with a positive mindset, on the other hand, tend to have a better outlook on life and are more energetic, productive and successful.
An entrepreneur with a fixed mindset will suffer failure and give up. An entrepreneur with a growth mindset will take a failure and use it as a chance to demonstrate the resilience and determination necessary to overcome that failure. A fixed mindset views the market as limited and shrinking, while a growth mindset sees the market as ever-growing and full of opportunities.

7.       Positive Image.

Self-Image Is The Key To Success In Business.  If your image in the business field is doubtful, deceptive, fraudulent, lying, dishonest etc., then success to business is become very low degree and if your image in the business field is impressive, honest, hard working, a role model, reliable etc., then success in business life is become possible. Dishonesty can be devastating for organizations, with high-profile cases bringing both public embarrassment and severe disruption to organizations and their members. For example, in 1999 Lotus chief executive officer (CEO) Jeff Papows resigned amid controversy surrounding lies about his military record (inflating his attained rank), his educational attainment (augmenting both the degrees earned and the prestige of institutions attended), and his personal history (claiming to be an orphan, although his parents were both living). Similarly, the string of lies told by professional cyclist Lance Armstrong about his use of banned substances caused untold reputational harm to his former teammates (many of whom he wrongfully sued for libel), his sponsors, and the nonprofit organization that bears his name.

Truthfulness and accuracy are critical for effective organizational functioning, but dishonesty (in the form of lying, misrepresentation, and fraud) continue to be pervasive in organizational life. Workplace dishonesty is an inherently unique behavior that should be distinguished from broader categories of unethical workplace behavior and organizational deviance, in that dishonesty is an overt social behavior —that is, requiring an audience to exist as a behavior. Compared to stealing or cheating, dishonest acts require knowing fabrication of false information, intended to deceive an anticipated audience. Thus, considering the overt social aspect of dishonesty (compared to the relatively clandestine behaviors of cheating and stealing) may add conceptual clarity to the construct of workplace dishonesty, which is surprisingly absent from extant literature.
In a perfect world, investors, board members, and executives would have full confidence in companies’ financial statements. They could rely on the numbers to make intelligent estimates of the magnitude, timing, and uncertainty of future cash flows and to judge whether the resulting estimate of value was fairly represented in the current stock price. And they could make wise decisions about whether to invest in or acquire a company, thus promoting the efficient allocation of capital and creating a good and positive image is essential.
1.    Creativity :
One of the important factor is that a business needs to be successful is creative thinking. A business owner needs to be a creative from his mindset. Creativity is a spark of an idea that a business leader needs to achieve their goals. Creative thinking involves thinking of different ways to do things to achieve a better result.  If creativity is efficient and set an efficient mechanism for the business, then it results in fast business growth.

The people with creative mindset find ways around obstacles because they see them not just as roadblocks but also as opportunities.  Creativity is noting but periodical review of business obstacles, opportunities and business growth.    The people with creative mindset keeps on creating an ability to produce new and unique ideas. Creativity improves the process of solving problems.  Creative thinking involves thinking of different ways to do things to achieve a better result. It could also include :
1   Re-organization,
2   Smart Planning review,
3   Hiring talent resource,
4   Smart Technological change,
5   Expansions and re-development
6   Each review has clear predefined objectives
7   The risk management.
8   Testers are valued reviewers who contribute to the review
9   Defects found are welcomed and expressed objectively
10 People issues and psychological aspects.
11 The review is conducted in an atmosphere of trust;
12 Review techniques are applied that are suitable to achieve the objectives
13 Checklists are used if appropriate to increase effectiveness of defect identification
14 Training is given in review techniques, especially the more formal techniques

Some important benefits of creativity in the workplace include -  Better teamwork and team bonding,Increased workplace engagement and interaction,Increased workplace problem solving and productivity.  Creativity helps to generate ideas and approaches to solve problems. A goal- oriented force that moves individuals to action. The belief in yourself that helps you stay motivated to achieve your goals.  If you lack creativity, then it will lead to lazy and daze in working activities.


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Success Factors for Personal Growth to Achieve Your Best Life-1

Success Factors for Personal Growth to Achieve Your Best Life


1.       Education :

Education is an important key point for success in life.  Without sufficient education, one can not become successful in one’s life.   Every human being needs oxygen to survive in the world. Education is important to people of all ages and it has no limit. Skilled and unskilled workers are categorized keeping education into view of their education. Unskilled worker can become skilled after gaining education in the field.  Importance of education tells us the value of education in our life. Education means a lot in everyone’s life as it facilitates our learning, knowledge and skill. It completely changes our mind and personality and helps us to attain the positive attitudes. We must give importance to the education than other targets in life as it is the only source of real happiness in our life and every success in the business field. In such competitive world, it is must for all to have good education. The importance of higher education has become increased in getting good job and position. Proper education creates lots of ways to go ahead in the future. It makes us strong mentally, socially and intellectually by increasing our knowledge level, technical skills and good position in the job. Each and every kid has their own dream of doing something different in the life. Sometimes parents dream for their kids to become a doctor, IAS officer, PCS officer, engineer and other high level positions. There is only one way to all dreams which is good education.  So, education is the backbone of all success in our life.

2.       Skill :

We identify skilled workers based on their education and skills.  Deriving skills in the filed requires us to learn through education.  Important interpersonal skills include leadership, motivation, caring, responsibility, active listening, and teamwork. Logical Thinking: Logical thinkers are the best decision makers because they are able to analyze factual data and reason deductively to formulate strategies and solutions. You can't do business without business skills. These skills are basic skills such as communication, influencing, negotiation and line management. They are also likely to include advanced skills such as leadership, presentation, strategic thinking and project management.  Enthusiasm and luck are common ingredients in a business that is in the start-up phase, but these qualities will only keep a business afloat for so long. All too often, businesses run into trouble because the fundamental and important elements for success are not in place from the beginning.

Even larger organisations with smaller business units, often fail to correctly resource their units, or put managers in place to run these units who have never acquired the necessary business skills. Business management takes a specific set of business skills and capabilities that need to be learned and honed over time.  So, business skills is must for a successful businessman.

3.       Contacts network :

It is imperative that to be a successful businessman, you should have a strong contacts network.  More a contacts network in your business life, more you will have business opportunities.
When a connection is promoted or changes professions, send a congratulatory note and inquire about the change. 
Provide Professional Leads. 
Mail Something. 
Ask Their Opinion. 
Meet in Person. 
Send Links but Personalize. 
Check In.

The following are the ways to network more effectively:
1. Networking is a Two-Way Street
It is one of the most important things to remember when it comes to contacts networking. This means that whenever you meet someone, you need to ask them as much as possible regarding their business, as well as informing them about yours.  Always begin the conversion with the basics - your name, your company, affiliation, position, etc. Following the introductions and exchanging of basic information, you could ask the following questions:

2. Always Get a Second Date
Whether industry event or social function, it can get a bit overwhelming when making the rounds and introducing yourself to professionals you’ve never met before. And, even if there was a great first introduction, it’s difficult to assess if that contact is worth continuing a relationship because time is probably limited.   But, you don’t want to ask everyone in the room to lunch, dinner or cup of coffee. You want to strike up a conversation and see if there’s potential with this individual. If you don’t think that person is a good fit, then keep breaking the ice until you do find someone that sparks your interest. Once you do, make sure that you you get their contact information so that you can set-up a second meeting in the future.

3. Evaluate Your Contacts
When you establish your contacts with few groups, you are supposed to evaluate potential factors.  That’s why it’s important to filter through your contacts to see who is worth establishing a relationship with. You can do this by asking yourself whether or not you can help each other. Keep in mind that you present yourself as a problem solver, and not just another name in their address book. And you should be looking for someone who has the same traits.  Another way to evaluate your contacts is by taking a look back at people from your past.

4. Meet-and-Mingle
It is one of the most important things to remember that unless you find out ways and means, your contacts networking will have no protentional difference.  Get yourself out there. Take up something like golf or a cooking class to meet new people who have similar interests as you. If you’re stuck on ideas, you could visit Groupon for suggestions. You could also consider finding out where like-minded people like you are spending their time. As you’re probably aware, every city has the bars, coffee shops or restaurants that cater to different groups.  Another chance to network is by volunteering or attending a fundraiser. Both are great ways to meet with members of the neighborhood, discuss yourself or company and show that you’re behind a cause.

5. Spend Time Social Networking
One has to spend your time on social networking.  It doesn’t mean that you have to waste your full time on social networking.  What it means is that you should use social networking to your advantage. For example, if there is an upcoming conference, you could use everything from LinkedIn to a company website to learn information prior to meeting people who interest you. Another benefit of social networking is by sharing or creating relevant articles that your audience would find informative. Also make sure to join in discussions and answer or ask questions. Not only does this make you a member of a community, it also can also help establish you as an authority figure in your field.


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